everlasting bouquet

everlasting bouquet

from £45.00

a beautiful bouquet of dried flowers available in 2 sizes to collect in store or available for Friday deliveries

These last for ages and are the perfect gift that doesn’t need any looking after. A mix of muted tones and texture. You can arrange altogether or share the stems between different vases so you can have flowers dotted all over your home.

add a card and I can hand write this for you and pop it in the box.

the flowers are from our local suppliers, locally and sustainably grown.

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Seasonal bouquet - gift subscription

from £200.00
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flower club - fortnightly subscription

£30.00 every 2 weeks
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flower club - monthly subscription

£30.00 every 4 weeks
Mothers Day bouquet - Pre-order 6Y4A6043.JPG

Mothers Day bouquet - Pre-order

Sumptuous Bouquets 6Y4A5887.JPG

Sumptuous Bouquets

from £30.00